Clean Power
- District Energy Technologies -- District energy distribute steam, hot water and/or chilled water from a central plant to individual buildings through a network of pipes. District systems provide a variety of thermal energy needs, including space heating, air conditioning, domestic hot water and industrial processes. Individual buildings such as these is always a good idea to have sustainable building designs to further know of ways to improve and benefit of any structural status.
There are an estimated 5,800 District Energy systems in the US, primarily serving commercial and institutional buildings. Most systems serve a single organization in a campus setting, such as a university, hospital complex, military base or industrial complex.
District Energy systems use a variety of energy sources, including fossil fuels, renewable energy and waste heat. By combining many thermal loads, District Energy provides economies of scale to cost-effectively implement highly efficient fossil fuel and renewable energy technologies, including Combined Heat and Power (CHP).
- Fuel Cells -- A fuel cell produces power much as a battery does. However, unlike a battery, a fuel cell consumes fuel to produce power and does not run down or require recharging. It produces energy in the form of electricity and heat as long as fuel is supplied.
- Hydrogen Technologies -- Hydrogen can make electricity, and electricity can make hydrogen. This energy loop is renewable and harmless to the environment. Hydrogen, the simplest and most abundant element in the universe, is composed of one proton and one electron. It makes up more than 90 percent of the composition of the universe. More than 30 percent of the mass of the sun is atomic hydrogen. It is the third most abundant element in the earth's surface, and is found mostly in water.
Hydrogen made from renewable energy resources provides a clean and abundant energy source, capable of meeting most of the future’s high-energy needs. Hydrogen is carbon free, and thus the ultimate response to global climate change. When hydrogen is used as an energy source in a fuel cell, the only emission that is created is water, which can then be electrolyzed to make more hydrogen – the waste product supplies more fuel. This continuous cycle of energy production has potential to replace traditional energy sources in every capacity – no more dead batteries piling up in landfills or pollution-causing, gas-guzzling combustion engines. The only drawback is that hydrogen is still more expensive than other energy sources such as coal, oil and natural gas.
- Clean Fuels -- These technologies involve producing fuels are cleaner alternatives to gasoline. These fuels use inputs from renewable resources, such as corn and other organic materials. Examples of these fuels are ethanol, ETBE, methanol, MTBE, and biodiesel.
In the U.S., there are two basic programs used to improve the nation's air quality: 1) the federal reformulated gasoline program, whch helps to control ozone pollution, and; 2) the wintertime oxygenated gasoline program, used to control carbon monoxide (CO). Both of these programs have oxygenates, such as ethanol or MTBE, as a key ingredient, and both have been very successful.
Since the establishment of the oxygenated fuels program, EPA statistics revealed sharp declines in harmful carbon monoxide emissions. In areas operating the program for the first time, there was a 95% reduction in the number of days exceeding the CO health standard.
>- Superconductivity -- High-temperature superconductivity is a revolutionary new electricity technology with the potential to create a highly reliable and efficient electrical superhighway without bottlenecks or system gridlock.
Superconductivity technologies can conserve energy, promote renewable energy technologies, help protect the environment, and save money.
- Environment awareness -- With all these elements and technologies which are being produced now a days. environment friendlyness continues to grow as well. /p>
- Want To Find Out More? Detailed information on renewable energy technologies can be found at any of the following excellent websites.
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